Calibration Overview

Micael Coutinho,autosarapplicationcalibrationa2l

Calibration is an important step in ECU development. Learn the basics on how to tune parameters in an ECU

If you have played around with control algorithms parameters, analog converters, sensors or anything of the sort, you are likely to have performed a calibration at some point, even if it's in a smaller scale than an automotive vehicle. There are multiple calibration options in the case of ECU's, even though it's not completely covered by the Autosar specification. The reason is because it depends, at least partly, on the underlying hardware.

In an ECU, a calibration is considered as a constant parameter, that will be tuned during development to suit the software needs. If you translate everything people say into C code, you might be wondering: if it's a constant, it's in the Flash memory, so how do I change it during development? Do I temporarily move it to the RAM? Do I change its position in memory and reflash my ECU? And the answer to this is a resounding yes. Depending on the calibration concept followed during development, some of the aforementioned suggestions might be true. In essence, the calibration concepts are divided into 2 categories: offline and online calibration:

Now, as for the calibrations concepts, these are your options:

Single (left) and double pointer (right) calibration concepts in Autosar { w: 1109, h: 291 }

Single (left) and double pointer (right) calibration concepts in Autosar

Alright, now that you got a hefty dosage of calibration concepts, their types and implementations, I hope you have learned a great deal on why calibration is used in the automotive industry and the advantages and disadvantages of each concept.

Author: Micael Coutinho (opens in a new tab)


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